Writing Classes

Elizabeth majored in British Literature and minored in British History at Texas A&M University, an excellent exposure to great writing, which fueled a fire in her for the written word. After developing IM training programs, she took her life in a different direction—writing novels.

She began by taking creative writing courses at Southern Methodist University in their Writer’s Path program. Ready for the next level, Elizabeth took online courses from Jerry Jenkins, a famous author of 21 New York Times bestselling novels. In 2020, after taking every class in his comprehensive “Writer’s Guild” and “Your Blueprint Novel” curriculums, Jerry invited Elizabeth, and eleven other aspiring writers, to join his third “Inner Circle” group. During the Circle’s online classes, Jerry led a deep dive into the art of writing novels, read her submissions, and edited her work. 

After the six-month class ended, eight of the members continued to meet, forming their own writer’s club, dubbed The JJ Rough Writers. In homage to Jerry’s aggressive editing, they’ve become quite skilled and unapologetic in editing each other’s novels to the bone.

On November 19, 2021, Jerry invited Elizabeth and his three Inner Circle groups to Colorado, where he provided an informative class about literary agents. 

Meeting Jerry Jenkins in person thrilled Elizabeth 

as well as the other members of the JJ Rough Writers.

From left to right: Elizabeth Pyatte, Imran Khan, Albert Espinosa, Jerry Jenkins, Debra Isaacs, Jeannie Spain, and Dan and Gloria Goodale. The group regrets Scott Whitman and Dee Kotcschwar could not attend.


For the most intense and beneficial classes in the world, go to jerryjenkins.com.  
Take every single course he provides.  He’s that great! —Elizabeth Pyatte